Thursday, November 25, 2010

Blog 5 – The free flow of the Spirit

Reading the history of the Azusa Street inspired me of how the early Pentecostal believers allow the Spirit to move freely in their midst during the service. They spent tremendous hours in prayer, and they called it “tarrying meeting.” They are willing to press on praying until they sense the Spirit is moving among them. The leaders also allow the believers to sing in tongues, share testimonies, ask questions, and they allow other manifestations with close observation. While providing much space for manifestations, they do ensure certain order is in place.

I long to see this exuberant religious experiences take place in our local Pentecostal churches. Man’s order should give way to the sovereign move of the Spirit. The very least that we can do as a starting point, is to pray, really spend time in praying and interceding, and get rid of the fast consumer attitude in religious practices. For only when we are connected to God, we will know His will and submit to His way of dealing with His people. Our people need the fresh touch of God!